Graduate Student || The Pennsylvania State University || nud83 [at]


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About Me

I am currently an Informatics Ph.D. student at College of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University

I am advised by Dr. C. Lee Giles. My advisory committee includes Dr. Dan Kifer and Dr. Ankur Mali

My Research

Keywords: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Math Language Processing, Math Understanding in Neural Networks, Neuro-Symbolic AI, Explainability and Rules Extraction

Current Neural Network architectures are glorified state machines. They can solve problems equivalent to regular grammars. Any problem in context-free and counter languages can be solved using state machines when restricted in their input size. In my research, I study the learnability and stability of RNN and Transformer architectures on formal grammars like Tomita, Dyck, and $a^nb^nc^nd^n$, etc. My work models fundamental math problems like addition, multiplication, counting, arithmetic, and precision as strings of symbols and studies the symbol manipulation ability of neural networks.

